This Opt Out Policy Statement covers the email policy of CleanPix.
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1. Email Opt Out Policy Statement
Marketing e-mail messages, sent by CleanPix clients to their users, automatically generated through the CleanPix network, must provide the recipients with the option to opt-out from receiving further messages. All messages sent to CleanPix client's users will include an opt-out notice and unsubscribe link in the footer of the message. The opt-out notice will instruct users how to opt-out from receiving further messages. Automated opt-out links are unique for each address, are effective immediately and are applied globally across the CleanPix service. In the absence of an automatically generated opt-out link (e.g. a manually typed email from a sale representative), please simply request to be added to our global opt-out list
If you would prefer that CleanPix not use your personal information for standalone direct marketing communications, subject to legal, or contractual restrictions and legal notice you may opt out of such uses and/or disclosures by following the instructions in the opt-out notice in any email sent to you by CleanPix on behalf of our clients.
E-mails that are sent to you as a result of you performing a business transaction with us or requesting specific information from CleanPix are not subject to an Opt Out process. If you have any suggestions on how to improve these e-mails, please communicate to our customer service department.
CleanPix is located at 2225 15th St SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 3M3
Ph: 403-266-1861
Last modified: August 7, 2014
Contact & Support
We would love to hear from you!
Mailing address
2225 15 ST SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 3M3 Canada
Support: 1-866-266-1861
Office: 1-403-266-1861

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