How to Craft an Effective Brand Promise

How to craft an effective brand promise.

Every company, from cutting-edge software providers to so-boring-I-could-fall-asleep B2B organizations, has a brand. Whether your brand is successful or not comes down, in large part, to its brand promise and its ability to deliver on it consistently.

How to Create a Brand Positioning Statement

A person creating a brand positioning statement.
Are you starting a new brand? Maybe you’re updating an existing one. Either way, your brand positioning statement will be foundational to your success. In this article, I’ll explore what a positioning statement is and why it’s important, the four questions you need to ask yourself to create one, three tips to ensure your statement is as effective as possible, and more.

Your Guide to Brand Management in 2021

Brand management in 2021.
You’ve worked hard to develop a cutting-edge brand that resonates with its target audience. Everything from the design of your logo to the copy on your website was carefully chosen to reflect your company’s mission, personality, and products. But what do you do after you establish your brand? Answer: brand management.

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